Issues and actions

It is difficult to capture the diversity and complexity of feminist activism from the 1970s to 1990s. The range of issues taken up during this era is vast; the number and variety of actions just as extensive. We lobbied governments, held rallies, set up women’s services, organized cross-country caravans, got arrested, started occupations, built alliances, and took to the streets. Campaigns for abortion and reproductive rights, childcare, equal pay, and ending violence against women were quickly joined by calls for equality on many other fronts. Heterosexism, racism, the status of Indigenous women, international solidarity, employment equity and non-traditional work, family and parental rights, healthcare, environmental issues, disability rights, feminist arts, women in sports…the list is far-reaching. Often organizations and coalitions played a key role in developing strategy, winning support, and coordinating activity around particular concerns. At other times, action was spontaneous, local in nature, or focused on specific incidents.

Here are some of the issues and actions from the 1970s to the 1990s. Clearly, there is much more that could be part of this section and we welcome your suggestions and additional materials.

Title Date Region
Feminist Publishing and Bookstores -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Feminist Cultural Activism -- - -- National (all of Canada)
International Solidarity -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Support Committee for Indian Women Workers 1982 - -- Ontario
Feminist Symposium Féministe 1973 - -- Quebec
The Banner Project 1990 - -- Ontario
Women and Peace -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Cora: The Woman’s Liberation Bookmobile 1974 - -- Ontario
The Women’s Kit & The Women’s Educational Resource Center 1974 - -- Ontario
Northern Ontario Feminist Organizing -- - -- Ontario
Women Rally for Action 1976 - -- British Columbia
Concerned Aboriginal Women Occupation of DIA Office 1981 - -- British Columbia
Women and Poverty -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Immigrant Women and Feminist Activism -- - -- National (all of Canada)
The Montreal Massacre 1989 - -- Quebec
The Abortion Caravan 1970 - -- National (all of Canada)
Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library Strike 1984 - 1984 Ontario
Violence Against Indigenous Women and Girls -- - -- National (all of Canada)
The Birth Control Handbook and the Montreal Health Press 1968 - -- National (all of Canada)
The Fleck Strike: The women’s strike that changed labour law and the labour movement 1978 - 1978 Ontario
Campaigning for Child Care -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Feminism and the Revolutionary Left -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Issues Related to Family Policy -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Documents of the Early Women’s Liberation Movement -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Labour Movement and Women’s Equality -- - -- National (all of Canada)
LGBTQ + Organizing -- - -- National (all of Canada)
International Women’s Day -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Eaton’s Strike and Solidarity 1984-1985 1984 - 1985 Ontario
Reproductive Rights and Choice -- - -- National (all of Canada)
End Violence Against Women -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Indigenous Women’s Rights -- - -- National (all of Canada)
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms -- - -- National (all of Canada)
The Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada -- - -- National (all of Canada)