
Feminists organizing gave rise to numerous new groups that came in many forms. Women organized in workplaces, schools, religious centres, unions, families, households, and communities. They set up study circles, held consciousness-raising sessions, formed caucuses and committees, built coalitions, and established grassroots autonomous women’s groups. Some were long-lasting; others short-lived. Some brought women together on a single issue, others on a more comprehensive political ideology. Many created alternative services and supports for women. There were feminist bookstores and publishing initiatives as well as many other women-based and operated enterprises.

During this era, feminists critiqued and challenged the traditional structures and ways of organizing that sidelined women and denied access to any real power.  Alternatives were experimented with, and new feminist models and processes emerged. Over time, Indigenous, racialized and immigrant women, women with disabilities, and lesbians raised criticisms about discrimination and oppression. This provoked new scrutiny of feminist practices.

Existing women’s organizations, some dating from the 19th century, also felt the impact of feminist activism. These groups already played an important role in fostering women’s leadership and services in many communities. Many now become directly involved in advocating for women’s equality issues.

Feminists in the union movement, political parties, and various progressive groups working on other causes also demanded more space for women’s leadership and participation, and a greater engagement in women’s equality issues.

Title Date Region
A Snapshot of Some Feminist Initiatives in Early 1970s Guelph, Ontario 1971 - -- Ontario
A Woman’s Place (Halifax) 1977 - -- Nova Scotia
Action Day Care 1979 - -- Ontario
Alberta Status of Women Action Committee 1976 - 1997 Alberta
Black Women’s Collective (BWC) 1986 - 1989 Ontario
Bread and Roses 1980 - -- British Columbia
British Columbia Federation of Women 1974 - -- British Columbia
British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) Status of Women 1973 - 1998 British Columbia
Canadian Abortion Rights Action League (CARAL) / L’Association canadienne pour le droits à l’avortement (ACDA) 1973 - 1999 or later National (all of Canada)
Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women (CACSW) / Conseil consultatif canadien sur la situation de la femme (CCCSF) 1973 - 1995 National (all of Canada)
Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies (CAEFS) / L’Association canadienne des Sociétés Elizabeth Fry (L’ACSEF) 1969 - 1999 or later National (all of Canada)
Canadian Auto Workers / United Auto Workers in Canada -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women (CCLOW) 1979 - 1999 or later National (all of Canada)
Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW)/ Fédération canadienne des femmes dîplomées des universités (FCFDU) pre-1960 - -- National (all of Canada)
Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) / Congrès du travail du Canada (CTC) -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW)/ Institut canadien de recherches sur les femmes (ICREF) 1976 - -- National (all of Canada)
Canadian Women’s Movement Archives/Archives Canadiennes du Mouvement des Femmes (CWMA/ACMF) 1977 - 1999 or later National (all of Canada)
Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC) / L’Association canadienne pour la promotion des services de garde à l’enfance (ACPSGE) 1982 - -- National (all of Canada)
Committee Against the Deportation of Immigrant Women (CADIW) -- - -- Ontario
Concerned Citizens for Choice -- - -- British Columbia
Congress of Black Women of Canada (CBWC) / Congrès des femmes noires du Canada 1973 - -- National (all of Canada)
Connections 1987 - -- Saskatchewan
Daycare Reform Action Alliance -- - -- Ontario
DisAbled Women’s Network (DAWN Canada) / Réseau d’action des femmes handicapées du Canada (RAFH Canada) 1985 - -- National (all of Canada)
Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre 1978 - -- British Columbia
Edmonton Working Women 1982 - -- Alberta
Equal Pay Coalition of Ontario 1977 - -- Ontario
Federation of Women Teachers of Ontario (FWTAO) -- - -- Ontario
Feminist Party of Canada 1979 - -- National (all of Canada)
Homeworkers’ Association 1992 - -- Ontario
Immigrant Women’s Health Centre 1975 - -- Ontario
India Mahila Association -- - -- British Columbia
INTERCEDE for the Rights of Domestic Workers, Caregivers, and Newcomers 1979 - 1999 or later National (all of Canada)
International Council for Adult Education, Women’s Program -- - -- Ontario
International Women’s Day Committee (IWDC) / Toronto Socialist Feminist Action (TFSA) 1978 - 1992 Ontario
International Women’s Day/March 8th Coalition (Toronto) 1977 - 1999 or later Ontario
Interval House (Toronto) 1973 - -- Ontario
Isis Women and Film 1973 - 1977 British Columbia
Jewish Feminist Anti-Fascist League (JFAFL) 1992 - -- Ontario
Jewish Women’s Committee to End the Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza (JWCEO) 1989 - -- Ontario
Kootenay Feminism -- - -- British Columbia
La fédération des femmes du Québec -- - -- Quebec
Lesbian Mother’s Defense Fund (LMDF) 1978 - 1987 Ontario
Lesbian Organization of Toronto (LOOT) 1976 - 1980 Ontario
Lesbians Against the Right 1981 - -- Ontario
Manitoba Action Committee on the Status of Women 1971 - -- Manitoba
Montreal Women’s Network -- - -- Quebec
National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) / Comité canadien d’action sur le statut de la femme (CCA) 1971 - -- National (all of Canada)
National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) / Association nationale Femmes et Droit (ANFD) 1974 - -- National (all of Canada)
National Council of Women of Canada (NCWC)/Conseil national des femmes du Canada, (CNFC) pre-1960 - -- National (all of Canada)
National Organization of Immigrant and Visible Minority Women (NOIVMWC) 1986 - -- National (all of Canada)
Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) / L’Association des femmes autochtones du Canada (AFAC) 1974 - -- National (all of Canada)
Nellie’s Shelter 1973 - 1999 or later Ontario
New Feminists 1969 - -- Ontario
Newfoundland Status of Women Councils 1972 - -- Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia Task Force on the Status of Women 1975 - -- Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Women’s Action Committee 1975 - -- Nova Scotia
Ontario Coalition for Abortion Clinics (OCAC) 1982 - -- Ontario
Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (formerly Ontario Coalition for Better Day Care) 1982 - -- Ontario
Ontario Federation of Labour Women’s Committee 1976 - -- Ontario
Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) pre-1960 - -- Ontario
Ontario Women’s Action Coalition (OWAC) 1990 - -- Ontario
Organization of Spouses of Military Members (OSOMM) 1984 - -- National (all of Canada)
Organized Working Women (OWW) 1976 - -- Ontario
Pauktuutit Inuit Women’s Association 1983 - -- National (all of Canada)
Political Action Collective of the Ottawa Women’s Centre/Feminist Action Collective (Ottawa)/ Local 7, SORWUC, 1977- 1982 1977 - 1982 Ontario
Press Gang 1974 - 1999 or later British Columbia
Reel Women’s Cable Collective -- - -- Saskatchewan
Regina Native Women’s Association -- - -- Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Action Committee, Status of Women -- - -- Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Working Women 1978 - 1990 Saskatchewan
Sault Ste. Marie Women’s Liberation -- - -- Ontario
Second Story Press 1989 - -- National (all of Canada)
Sister Vision Press 1985 - 1999 or later
Studio D: The Women’s Film Studio (National Film Board) 1974 - 1989 National (all of Canada)
Sudbury Women’s Movement 1971 - -- Ontario
The Clichettes 1978 - -- Ontario
The Woman’s Common 1988 - 1994 Ontario
The Women’s Place (Toronto) 1972 - 1974 Ontario
The Women’s Press (Canadian Women’s Educational Press) 1972 - -- National (all of Canada)
Toronto Women’s Bookstore -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Toronto Women’s Caucus 1970 - 1972 National (all of Canada)
Vancouver Status of Women 1971 - -- British Columbia
Vancouver Women’s Caucus 1968 - -- British Columbia
Vancouver Women’s Health Collective 1971 - 1999 or later British Columbia
Voice of Women (VOW) 1960 - -- National (all of Canada)
Wages Due Lesbians -- - -- Ontario
Wages for Housework 1975 - -- Ontario
Winnipeg Women’s Liberation 1969 - -- Manitoba
Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW) -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Women of Steel – United Steelworkers -- - -- National (all of Canada)
Women Working With Immigrant Women -- - -- Ontario
Women’s Counselling, Referral, and Education Centre (WCREC) 1975 - -- Ontario
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands 1987 - -- Ontario
WomenSkills -- - -- British Columbia
Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes (WGSRF) 1982 - -- National (all of Canada)
Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) / Fonds d’action et d’éducation juridiques pour les femmes (FAEJ) 1985 - -- National (all of Canada)
Womonspace 1981 - 1999 or later Alberta
Working Women 1976 - -- Ontario
Working Women’s Workshop: Service, Office and Retail Workers Union of Canada (SORWUC) and Association of University and College Employees (AUCE) 1970 - -- British Columbia
YWCA Canada pre-1960 - -- National (all of Canada)