Kim Duns & Susan Risk, Reel Women’s Cable Collective
1989 | 11 min
The video “Ritual and Ritual Objects,” was produced in 1989 by the Reel Women Cable Collective in Saskatchewan. The documentary interviews a collective of seventeen women artists across the province about ritual and ritualistic practice in the arts. The group met to talk through different themes of process-oriented practices, symbolism, and art as well as the benefits of incorporating rituals into their craft.
In the video, the group works towards a final showcase, and, in the process, the artists learn how to work collaboratively, build closeness and trust, and challenge the norms of exhibiting work in the dominant art world. Throughout the interview, the women reflect on the impact of collaborative practice through ritualistic methods and they comment on the sense of balance, attunment, and deepened spirituality such practice brings into one’s life. The film ends with a montage of the varying works showcased at the “Ritual and Ritual Objects” show.