Ontario Federation of Labour Presentation to Legislative Committee on Equal Pay – January 30, 1980


The photo shows an OFL presentation on equal pay to a Legislative Committee, Queens Park, Toronto, on January 30, 1980. (l to r: Mary Eady, Shelley Acheson, Cliff Pilkey). Audience members include Deirdre Gallagher, USW, behind Shelley; Edith Johnston, UAW; and Lena Kress, IBEW, in the next row.

The photo shows an OFL presentation on equal pay to a Legislative Committee, Queens Park, Toronto, on January 30, 1980. (l to r: Mary Eady, Shelley Acheson, Cliff Pilkey). Audience members include Deirdre Gallagher, USW, behind Shelley; Edith Johnston, UAW; and Lena Kress, IBEW, in the next row.


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Ontario Federation of Labour Presentation to Legislative Committee on Equal Pay – January 30, 1980

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Ontario Federation of Labour Presentation to Legislative Committee on Equal Pay – January 30, 1980

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