Our goal is to build an online archive that is widely inclusive of the breadth and depth of the feminist movement from the 1970s to 1990s. We can’t do this without you! Write a brief description of your organization or action, its goals and achievements, and the people involved. Share the photos, buttons, posters, pamphlets and publications that tell the stories of your own activism and communities.
Contribute scanned files or photos
Please contact us at info@riseupfeministarchive.ca for help to digitize your archival materials and to add your stories of feminist activism to the website. We will let you know where to upload or email files. There are guidelines below to get your started scanning some materials yourself.
Guidelines for Preparing Materials
Donation of physical materials
Once your materials have been digitized, we encourage you to donate them to an archive specializing in women’s movement history and materials so the actual historical documents and other items remain available. You may have somewhere in mind. If not, we suggest you contact the following about your collection:
The Nellie Langford Rowell Women’s Studies Library, York University