Our Supporters We are deeply grateful to the many, many people who have supported us in turning the Rise Up vision into a reality. There are far too many to name individually – just know that your contributions and encouragement have repeatedly buoyed our spirits and sustained our resolve to keep going. Key among these, of course, are the dozens of volunteers, both current and past, who have been part of the Rise Up Organizing Group. Their commitment, experience, ideas, and skills – and, of course, the uncountable hours of work they have collectively put in – are the foundation on which Rise Up keeps going and growing. We also thank all those individuals who have so generously donated money and shared their archival materials, experiences, and resources to help build the Rise Up archival collection, our exhibits, and teaching resources. Without you, the Rise Up Feminist Digital Archive simply would not exist. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Financial Support In addition to the many individual donors who sustain our work , we are grateful for recent funding support received from the following foundations, organizations, unions, and government agencies. Mark and Zita Bernstein Family Foundation Nancy’s Very Own Foundation Ontario Federation of Labour Young Canada Works in Heritage (in collaboration with Canadian Council of Archives) Canada Summer Jobs, Government of Canada Library and Archives Canada’s Documentary Heritage Communities Program Partnerships Rise Up also welcomes a growing number of partnerships with the following organizations and programs: Nellie Langford Rowell Library, York University Canadian Women’s Movement Archives, Women’s Archives and Special Collections, University of Ottawa HIST212 Experiential Learning in Historical Practice, Jenn Lucas, Program Manager and Instructor, Queen’s University HIS498Y Internship in History, Dr. Mairi Cowan, Associate Professor, University of Toronto Mississauga Pelvic Health and Public Health in Twentieth-Century Canada, Canadian Institutes of Health Research Project Grant, Dr. Whitney Wood, Vancouver Island University