More about Black Women’s Collective

The Black Women’s Collective (BWC) worked together in Toronto from 1986 to 1989 and had a radical, intersectional analysis of racism, sexism, homophobia, class, and imperialism. The group published Our Lives: Canada’s First Black Women’s Newspaper.

The BWC was a tightly organized group that both initiated activism and intervened in existing organizations. They developed statements on a wide range of feminist and anti-racist issues. They initiated the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence to condemn the police shootings of Sophia Cook, Lester Donaldson, and Michael Wade Lawson, which they identified as part of a pattern of racist and police violence across the country facing Black people, Indigenous people, and other people of colour.

Along with the Coalition of Visible Minority Women and the Toronto Chapter of the Congress of Black Women, the BWC called for ‘women and poverty’ to be the central theme of International Women’s Day (IWD) 1989. After IWD that year, at which BWC member Angela Robertson was a speaker at the rally, the group critiqued IWD and called for broader representation in the March 8th Coalition, which organized the annual IWD march. As they stated in their letter to the Coalition: “In order to build a women’s movement that truly addresses the issues we face as a result of race, class and gender oppression, we know we must build links between women who are getting hit with it and fighting back.”

The BWC also initiated ‘Ba-thari’ A Black Women’s Day on May 24, 1987, which included workshops on racism and sexism in the workplace, and entertainment from Faith Nolan, Audri Zhina Mandiela, Audrey Rose, and Lillian Allen.

The aims and objectives of the Black Women’s Collective, as stated in their 1988 constitution, were the following:

  • To participate politically in the struggle to end the oppressions of sexism, racism, racialism, homophobia, ageism, class exploitation, capitalism, and imperialism;
  • To work to eradicate ideas and practices of sexism, sexual stereotyping, class exploitation, white supremacy, homophobia, and imperialism;
  • To plan and hold protests, educationals, events, and campaigns against such oppressions;
  • To work in solidarity with other progressive women’s groups and progressive groups in the struggle to end these oppressions;
  • To encourage other Black women to become active in the struggle for women’s liberation, Black liberation, and the liberation of all oppressed and exploited working peoples;
  • To produce propaganda for spreading the word in these efforts; and
  • To advocate and work toward changing the power relations in the society in which we live, recognizing that gaining power does not mean exchanging places with the establishment but striving toward an equal and just society for all human beings in the planet.

Archival Materials


On August 26, 1979 Albert Johnson, a 35-year-old Jamaican Canadian, was shot dead in his home. He was known to have mental health struggles. Immediately, the Black community organized. The Black Action Defense Committee (BADC) along with over 30 community organizations mobilized 2,000 people to march from Oakwood/Vaughn to 13th division headquarters to protest Johnson's murder. Again on October 14, 1979, 1000 people protested at Toronto City Hall. The Albert Johnson Committee Against Police Brutality had three demands: 1. They demanded that the two police officers be charged with murder instead of manslaughter. 2. They requested that Toronto police provide full compensation to Johnson's wife and four children. 3. They demanded the Province of Ontario and Attorney-General Roy McMurty establish an independent civilian review board for complaints against the police. November, 1980, both police officers, Cargnelli and Inglis, were acquitted of manslaughter charges. BADC continued to protest and finally in 1988, Toronto police made a secret settlement in court after the Johnson family filed a civil lawsuit against them. The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) was created in 1990 as a way to increase police accountability in the investigation of civilian murders. Despite the historic and ongoing limitations of the SIU, the reform was a victory for the Black community because it was an acknowledgement that anti-Black racism and police brutality are systemic problems that require institutional reform. In a related protest, on February 20, 1981, Lemona Johnson, Albert's widow, spoke outside 52 division headquarter at a massive protest against the vicious police attack on the city's gay bath houses just two weeks earlier. She, and others, drew the parallels between police violence against the Black community and the gay community.
Justice for Albert Johnson
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Michael Wade Lawson, a 17 year old Black man was shot and killed by Peel police in 1988. The two cops charged were later acquitted, which caused growing community protest over the pattern of racist police brutality and the failure to condemn and clean up racism within the police forces. In Toronto, the Black Women's Collective and the Congress of Black Women of Canada were actively involved in campaigning against racist and anti-black violence. Other feminist and social justice groups also supported this work.
Justice for Michael Wade Lawson
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"Sisters in Struggle - Building a Global Movement" was a Black History Month event organized by the Black Women's Collective and sponsored by a wide range of organizations. The featured keynote speaker for the February 1988 forum was Angela Davis. Panellists included Winnie Ng, Marlene Green, Carmencita Hernandez, and Susan Numzana.
Sisters in Struggle: Building a Global Movement – February 26, 1988
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Wright for Mayor 88′- Let’s Cut Poverty at its Roots
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thumbnail of Ba thari Statement for International Black Women’s Day
Ba thari Statement for International Black Women’s Day
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thumbnail of Constitution of the Black Women’s Collective – March 1988
Constitution of the Black Women’s Collective – March 1988
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thumbnail of International Women’s Day Speech by Angela Robertson (Toronto) – March 1989
International Women’s Day Speech delivered by Angela Robertson (Toronto) – March 1989
  • Year created:

  • Author(s):

    Angela Robertson
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thumbnail of Open Letter to March 8th Coalition (Toronto) – 1989
Open Letter to March 8th Coalition (Toronto) – 1989
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thumbnail of Rally Against Racism Statement – February 1989
Rally Against Racism Statement – February 1989
  • Year created:

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thumbnail of Statement of Women’s Coalition Against Racism & Police Violence-December 1989Toronto
Statement of Women’s Coalition Against Racism & Police Violence-December 1989,Toronto
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Sisters in the Struggle
  • Year created:

  • Filmmaker(s):

    Dionne Brand, Ginny Stikeman
  • Language:

  • Region:

    National (all of Canada)


Our Lives: Canada’s First Black Women’s Newspaper

Our Lives – Vol. 1, Issue 3 – September/October 1986
  • Year created:

  • Publisher:

    Black Women's Collective
  • Author(s):

    Faith Nolan , Terri Jewell, Grace Channer, Beatrice Bailey, Carol Allain, Patricia Hayes, Afua Cooper, Skye Stollmeyer
  • Region:

  • Language:

thumbnail of OUR LIVES
Our Lives – Vol. 2, Issue 1 – March/April 1987
  • Year created:

  • Publisher:

    Black Women's Collective
  • Author(s):

    Faith Nolan , Patricia Hayes, June Gabriel, Beatrice Bailey, Carol Allain, Dionne Brand, Debbie Douglas, Kim McNeilly
  • Region:

  • Language:

thumbnail of OURLIVES-02-0203-JUL-SEPT-1987
Our Lives – Vol. 2, Issue 2/3 – July/September 1987
  • Year created:

  • Publisher:

    Black Women's Collective
  • Author(s):

    Beatrice Bailey, June Gabriel, Donna Barker, Patricia Hayes
  • Region:

  • Language:

Our Lives – Vol. 2, Issue 4 – Spring 1988
  • Year created:

  • Publisher:

    Black Women's Collective
  • Author(s):

    Faith Nolan, Debbie Douglas, Annette Russell
  • Region:

  • Language:

thumbnail of OURLIVES-02-0506-SUMMER-FALL-1988
Our Lives – Vol. 2, Issue 5/6 – Summer/Fall 1988
  • Year created:

  • Publisher:

    Black Women's Collective
  • Author(s):

    Pauline Peters, Annette Russell, Lee Maracle, Angela Davis, Cynthia Gray, Almirante Ruffino
  • Region:

  • Language:

thumbnail of OURLIVES-03-01-SPRING-1989
Our Lives – Vol. 3, Issue 1 – Spring 1989
  • Year created:

  • Publisher:

    Black Women's Collective
  • Author(s):

    Dionne A. Falconer, Carol Camper, Angela Robertson, Rella Braithwaite
  • Region:

  • Language:

Our Lives – Vol.1, Issue 4 – November/December 1986
  • Year created:

  • Publisher:

    Black Women's Collective
  • Author(s):

    Faith Nolan, Debbie Douglas, Afua Cooper, Josina N. Wells
  • Region:

  • Language:

Our Lives – Vol. 1, Issue 2 – May/June 1986
  • Year created:

  • Publisher:

    Black Women's Collective
  • Author(s):

    Afua Cooper, Hazel Palmer, Debbie Douglas, Faith Nolan, Patricia Hayes, Donna Barker
  • Language:



Makeda Silvera speaks at a protest in response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook. The Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence, a coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations which brought people together on December 16, 1989 to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Leleti Tamu, member of the Black Women's Collective, is surrounded by others at the Sophia Cook protest. In response to the October 27, 1989 police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Dionne Brand, member of the Black Women's Collective, speaks at protest against police violence. In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Debbie Douglas, member of the Black Women's Collective, is seen at the protest against police violence. In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Carol Allain (in pink coat), member of the Black Women's Collective, is surrounded by others at protest against police violence. In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Angela Robertson, member of the Black Women's Collective, speaks at a protest against police violence. In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:



In February 1988, the Toronto Black Women's Collective organized "Sisters in Struggle Building a Global Movement" with celebrated scholar lecturer and fighter for human rights Angela Y. Davis as the keynote speaker. The event was co-sponsored by many groups active on racialized and immigrant women's issues, as well as other feminist, anti-racist and progressive organizations.
“Sisters in Struggle – Building a Global Movement”
  • Year created:

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Ba-thari: A Black Women’s Day Celebration
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First Mourn. Then Work for Change
  • Year created:

  • Visual Artist:

    Joss Maclennan
  • Region:

    National (all of Canada)
  • Language:

Pleurez-les aujourd’hui. Agissez demain.
  • Year created:

  • Visual Artist:

    Joss Maclennan
  • Region:

    National (all of Canada)
  • Language:
