Contribute Materials

Rise Up’s goal is to build an online archive that is widely inclusive of the breadth and depth of the feminist movement from the 1970s to 1990s. We can’t do this without you! Loan us archival materials you have saved from that period. Share the photos, buttons, films, posters, pamphlets and periodicals that tell the stories of your own activism and communities. Write a brief description of your organization or action, its goals and achievements, and the people involved.

Rise Up does not retain archival materials. Loaned materials are returned to owners after digitization or, if the owner does not wish to have them back, we make every effort to place them with another archive, such as the Canadian Women’s Movement Archive or the Nellie Langford Rowell Library. The document below outlines Rise Up’s policy regarding the loan of archival materials.

Rise up Policy for Archival Materials and Loan Agreement

Contributing scanned or digital versions of archival materials

Providing us with scans or a digital version of materials, along with a short description and background information, saves us a lot of time and means we can add these items to our archival collection more quickly.

Please contact us at for support to scan or digitize. We will walk you through the process. The guidelines below will help you get started with scanning some materials yourself.

Guidelines for Preparing Materials