Joint Internal Information Bulletin – Number 5, June 1977


This 1977 document was published by the League for Socialist Action/Ligue Socialiste Ouvriere (LSA) and the Revolutionary Marxist Group (RMG). It contains three papers/statements: “Perspectives for Women’s Liberation Work,” “For A Pan-Canadian Section of the Fourth International,” and “Tendency B Statement.”
The relevant section on women’s liberation work was submitted in preparation for the RMG and LSA conventions and addresses the importance of a strong women’s movement to the revolutionary process and the transition to socialism. It explores the objective situation facing women, the character of the new period of radicalization, and the tasks of revolutionary Marxists. It concludes by outlining the forms of work to be undertaken, including organizing for International Women’s Day and on abortion, as well as union work, work with immigrant women, lesbian work, and addressing the situation of women within the organization. It also argues that this agitational organizing must be supplemented with propaganda, forums, and workshops that put forward a revolutionary Marxist analysis and program for women’s liberation.