Documents of the Early Women’s Liberation Movement

This collection of documents, pamphlets, and publications represents some of the earliest material published by feminist activists as the women’s liberation movement started to emerge in Canada. The writing covers a wide range of topics, including theories of women’s oppression, calls to organize, sexual division of labour, and relationships.

Documents of the Early Women’s Liberation Movement Documents

Title Date Region
Bread & Roses 1969 National (all of Canada)
Consumerism and Women -- Ontario
More on the Political Economy of Women’s Liberation 1973 National (all of Canada)
Political Economy of Women’s Liberation (1969) – Margaret Benston 1969 National (all of Canada)
Sisters, Brothers, Lovers…Listen (1967) – Judi Bernstein, Peggy Morton, Lynda Seese, Myrna Wood 1967 National (all of Canada)
Sugar and Spice (1968) – Sarah Spink 1968 National (all of Canada)
The Politics of Housework 1970 National (all of Canada)


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Documents of the Early Women’s Liberation Movement

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Documents of the Early Women’s Liberation Movement

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