Homeworkers’ Association


Excerpted from Homeworkers’ Association Pamphlet

Homeworkers’ Association (HWA) is part of U.N.I.T.E. Ontario Council (Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees), and is housed under CCNCTO (Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter). HWA was formed in May 1992 as an organization for immigrant women who sew garments in their home. HWA is governed by an elected executive committee of homeworkers who are elected on an annual basis and serve for a one-year term.

Our Objectives:
— To inform homeworkers about their workplace rights and assist them in exercising these rights
— To provide support to homeworkers and help them overcome extreme isolation through organizing social and recreational activities
— To be a vehicle where homeworkers can come together to develop their own capacity to respond to issues, share strategies and find collective solutions
— To provide an opportunity for sharing skills and experiences between homeworkers and other factory workers

Our Services:
We provide the following services and activities:
— Free referral and information on work related issues such as employment standards, health and safety, etc.
— Information on employment insurance, welfare, and other social services
— Recreation activities such as summer picnics and holiday parties, field trips, socials, etc.
— Bi-monthly newsletter in Chinese
— Leadership training, workshops and seminars
— Classes such as sewing, pattern-making, ESL, etc.
— Research and information on the garment industry
— Community development, human rights and advocacy


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Homeworkers’ Association

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Homeworkers’ Association

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