O povo unido, jamais será vencido! F.A.S.W.O.C


Undated button of the Food and Service Workers of Canada (FASWOC). FASWOC represented the cleaners, almost all Portuguese immigrant women, who went on strike at the First Canadian Place in Toronto in 1984. After six weeks, the strike ended in victory.

Undated button of the Food and Service Workers of Canada (FASWOC) featuring the slogan “O povo unido, jamais será vencido!”(The people united will never be defeated). FASWOC represented the cleaners, almost all Portuguese immigrant women, who went on strike at the First Canadian Place in Toronto in 1984. After six weeks, the strike ended in victory.


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O povo unido, jamais será vencido! F.A.S.W.O.C

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O povo unido, jamais será vencido! F.A.S.W.O.C

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