Table of Contents:
From The Publisher’s Desk
Guest Editorial
Special Feature: “Voices of Chinese Canadian Women”: One Woman Speaks, by May Lee
The Women’s Issues Committee of the Chinese Canadian National Council
Winnie Ng, by Dora Nipp
Visual Art: Pentimento, by Margaret L. Chen
Poetry: The Invisible Ones, by Marjorie Agosin
The Well-Being of the Ageing Woman, by Victoria Lee
Native Langauges Preservation: A Shared Dream, by Susan Daybutch Hare
Fiction: A European Vacation, by Arun Mukherjee
Working With Collectives, by Ayanna Black
Education: The Relevance of Pay Equity: by Zanana Akande
Music: There’s No Such Thing A Black and White: The Story of Molly Johnson, by Marva Jackson
The Black Housewives League of South Africa, by Sally Motlana
Book Review: Simple & Unpretentious Voices, by Ito Peng