Working Women Community Centre 1976-1996: 20th Anniversary Commemorative Issue This 20th ANNIVERSARY booklet celebrates the Working Women’s Community Centre and provides an overview of its origins and history from 1976-1996. The booklet outlines the work done by the organization to provide immigrant women and women of colour with opportunities to improve the quality of their lives through self-development and community action. It includes the names of staff, Board members, and volunteers over those years, as well as many photos and remembrances. Metadata Title: Working Women Community Centre 1976-1996: 20th Anniversary Commemorative Issue Date: 1997 Publisher: Working Women Community Centre Region: Ontario City/Town: Toronto Author(s): Madalena Silva, Sharmini Perles, Tamem McCallum, Alice de Sousa, Paulina Maciulis, Ilda da Conceicao Aguiar Furtado, Fatima Filippi, Maria Antonieta Smith, Marcie Ponte, Lilian Aleman, Maria José de Fonseca, Pancha Panzo, Josie Di Zio, Lisa Fiander, Tracy Brown, Olga Ruiz, Fernanda Gaspar, Janet Klees, Helene Moussa, Mary Kainer