Leaders debate women’s issues in 1984

CBC Digital Archives
1984 | 1 hr 51 min

In 1984, the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) organized the 1984 debate on women’s issues.  Over 2,000 women lined up for two hours outside the Royal York Hotel in Toronto to get into the live debate.

The leaders of the country’s three main political parties spar about abortion, daycare, equal pay, cutting the deficit and world peace. It’s the first, and so far, only federal election debate on women’s issues in Canadian history. This is the last of the 1984 election’s three televised debates, with John Turner and Brian Mulroney playing it safe, with Mulroney staying mum on abortion and Turner afraid to make a gaffe. But NDP Leader Ed Broadbent fires away, his policies in sync with the feminist agenda. This is the first half of this televised debate. The second half is currently unavailable due to technical issues.

Highlights of the debate are also available.
