Reel Women’s Cable Collective – Women on Camera: Who is an Indian Woman? Reel Women’s Cable Collective – Women on Camera26:28 minutes This 1983 video was produced by the Reel Women’s Cable Collective in Saskatchewan for a weekly news program called Women on Camera, hosted by Elaine Robart and Heather McIntyre. The episode features a segment called Who is an Indian woman? produced by the Native Women’s Cable Collective. Host Debbie Pinay interviews four women – Theresa Hesse-Fiddler (settler), Pat Deiter-McArthur (Cree), Chris Cuthand (settler), and Jenny Reed (Ojibwe) – on gender-based discrimination in the Indian Act. Interviewees speak to the differential impacts of the Indian Act on their rights and status – and those of their children – as a result of their marriages. This episode of Women on Camera also includes an interview with Joan Haviland of the Regina Coalition for Peace and Disarmament on why nuclear disarmament is a women’s issue, and a review of a concert by the musical group The Parachute Club. Metadata Title: Reel Women’s Cable Collective – Women on Camera: Who is an Indian Woman? Date: 1983 Region: Saskatchewan Filmmaker: Reel Women's Cable Collective