Broadside – Vol. 2, No. 8 – June 1981 Topics include: Letters Editorials The West and the Rest YWCA Toronto Women’s Credit Union Spiritualism and Women’s Enemy Movement Matters Ontario Women in Trades and Industry Lesbians Against the Right Writers in Dialogue Interview with Adrienne Rich Interview with Nicole Brossard Profile: Cris Williamson Reviews Metadata Title: Broadside – Vol. 2, No. 8 – June 1981 Date: June 1981 Publisher: Broadside Communications Ltd. Region: National (all of Canada) City/Town: Toronto Author(s): Eve Zaremba, Philinda Masters, Anne Cameron, Judy Stanleigh, Lorna Weir, Ottie Lockey , Jean Wilson, Susan G. Cole, Moe Lyons, Laura Rowe, Sylvia Spring, Deena Rasky, Martha Keaner, Mary O'Brien, Gay Bell