Collection: Women and Labour Our page on the Canadian Auto Workers/United Auto Workers has a lot of material from the union as well as a fascinating introduction about the history of women in the United Auto Workers. Particularly of interest is the brochure “A Women’s Committee Can Make Your Union Work For You” as well as the Canadian Women’s Conference Agenda as it shows the breadth of women’s issues that the union tackled. Working Woman – a publication of Saskatchewan Working Women an organization similar to OWW but that also included non-unionized women. Our page on SWW includes a brochure about the organization as well as an informative summary of the organization by several of the women involved. There are many issues of the Women’s Rights Bulletin – a publication of the Ontario Federation of Labour Women’s Committee. The Ontario Federation of Labour page has some fascinating and documents from the early days of cooperation between the women’s movement and labour – for example the Statement on Women from 1975 anticipates campaigns for years to come. We have many issues of Union Woman the Newsletter of Organized Working Women whose goal was “to increase women’s participation in unions, while strengthening the labour movement as a whole.” There are also studies, brochures and other documents on the OWW page. Women of Steel – United Steelworkers – especially interesting is the report on the Women of Steel courses offered by the union and the impact those courses had on the culture of the union and acceptance of women within the union. Our page on the Eaton’s Strike and Solidarity – 1984-1985 has a quick outline of the events surrounding that action. The page features many excellent materials from the strike, including photos, posters, and buttons. Our page with documents from the Canadian Labour Congress also links to several gems including the 1974 Statement on Women’s Rights or the folder full of documents called “Equal Partners for Change: Women and Unions” and many more! Of course, when listing labour songs related to working women, the classic tune Bread and Roses, must be included The Red Berets had a number of songs related to working women – and they were often singing at picket lines! Songs included: Gonna RiseMoving MountainsUnion Maidand Oh Come All Ye Shoppers (for the Eaton’s Strike)