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The Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC) / L’Association canadienne pour la promotion des services de garde à l’enfance (ACPSGE). founded as the Canadian Day Care Advocacy Association, arose from the second Canadian Conference on Child Care held in Winnipeg in 1982. Over 700 delegates from all provinces and territories called for an effective voice to pursue child care issues at the federal level and to promote a broad consensus of support within all regions of Canada.
The Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC), founded as the Canadian Day Care Advocacy Association, is a non-profit organization committed to winning universally accessible, high quality, not-for-profit child care in Canada.
It was founded following the 2nd Canadian Conference on Day Care held in Winnipeg in 1982. The 900+ delegates from all provinces and territories called for an effective united voice to pursue day care issues at the federal level and to promote a broad consensus of support within all regions of Canada. As a result of this conference, the Canadian Day Care Advocacy Association was born in 1983. Elected representatives from each province and territory began the work of advocating for the establishment of a universally-accessible, non-profit publicly-funded child care system.
The CCAAC was primarily supported financially with seed funding by the Women’s Program, Status of Women Canada as well as by federal government programs called Child Care Visions (CCV) and Social Development Partnerships Program (SDPP). It also received considerable support from the labour movement, CUPE in particular. Following the 2006 federal election, the CCAAC was defunded when the federal government removed ‘advocacy’, ‘equity’ and ‘access to justice’ from Status of Women Canada’s (SWC) mandate as well as defunding its other child care funding activities.
The primary goal of the CCAC is to work toward expanding the child care system and to improve its quality. It advocates for the development of an affordable, comprehensive, high quality not-for-profit child care system that is supported by public funds and accessible to every Canadian family who wishes to use it.
The CCAAC has a broad base of support and represents parents, day care providers, day care staff, women’s organizations, health and social service organizations and unions and other social justice groups. It has a national office with a small staff and a cross-sectoral volunteer board governs the organization.
Since its founding in1983, although the CCAAC has consistently continued to fight for a national child care program, there is still a long way to go to ensure that children have access to a comprehensive child care system. The CCAAC’s accomplishments include: