This button supports the right of a woman to make choices about birth control and abortion, and to control whether and when she becomes a mother.

Intersectionality, Reproductive Justice, and the Women’s Movement in Canada

Reproductive justice was a concept developed by Black women activists in the United States in the 1990s in order...

Filed under: disability, health & reproductive rights, racialized & women of colour

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Indigenous Feminisms and Calls for Reproductive Justice

As a Haudenosaunee Mother-Scholar who writes and teaches about Indigenous mothering, Indigenous literatures, and racialized sexualized gender-based violences, I...

Filed under: health & reproductive rights, indigenous

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The Fight’s Not Over

This podcast explores the 1970 Abortion Caravan on its 51st anniversary...

Filed under: health & reproductive rights

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Norma Scarborough and Henry Morgentaler hold a copy of The Toronto Star with front-page headlines announcing the historic Supreme Court decision taken on January 28, 1988, stating that Canada's abortion law is not legal.

“Abortion law not legal….”

In 1974, Norma Scarborough and Dr. Henry Morgentaler were among the founding members of CARAL

Filed under: health & reproductive rights, justice

Date published:

This photo of Jackie Larkin with the sign "This Uterus is not Government Property" was taken during the Abortion Caravan which travelled across Canada from Vancouver to Ottawa in 1970.

Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of the Abortion Caravan

The Abortion Caravan occurred in the wake of amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada in 1969 that made...

Filed under: health & reproductive rights

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Gene Editing: Then and Now…

With the advent of CRISPR—a new, relatively simple-to-use gene-editing technology—it seemed like only a matter of time before the births...

Filed under: health & reproductive rights

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