Wages For Housework button

Researching Alternative Visions #3: The Politics of Caring – Wages for Housework Activism in Canada

In exploring Indigenous, racialized, immigrant/ethnic, and low-income women’s activism in Canada from the 1960s to the 1980s, we have...
Undated button of the Food and Service Workers of Canada (FASWOC). FASWOC represented the cleaners, almost all Portuguese immigrant women, who went on strike at the First Canadian Place in Toronto in 1984. After six weeks, the strike ended in victory.

Honouring Portuguese Immigrant Cleaners’ Activism on Labour Day

Rise Up is pleased to encourage and facilitate the growing interest among current researchers, educators, and activists in the rich...

Filed under: immigration, racialized & women of colour, work & labour

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The Story of Two Industrial Women Workers

Cathy Mulroy was one of the first women hired into a non-traditional job at Sudbury mining giant Inco

Filed under: announcements & updates, work & labour

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Organizing Domestic Workers: Intercede

Intercede was an advocacy group of foreign domestic workers and their feminist allies that raised awareness about the exploitation...

Filed under: announcements & updates, immigration, work & labour

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Immigrant Women Create the Working Women Community Centre

In 1975, in response to the recognition that a lot of immigrant women were marginalized either because they were...

Filed under: announcements & updates, immigration, work & labour

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Organized Working Women builds women's support picket for Fleck strikers.

Fleck Strike and Feminist Solidarity

This interview focuses the 1978 landmark strike against Fleck Manufacturing, an auto-wiring plant located outside London ON, and the...

Filed under: announcements & updates, solidarity, work & labour

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This button from the 1982 Organized Working Women Conference features the slogan "Women for Unions, Unions for Women".

Founding of Organized Working Women

The focus of this interview is the founding in 1976 of Organized Working Women, an independent feminist labour organization...

Filed under: announcements & updates, work & labour

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Still from video of June Veecock at IWD in Toronto

Black Nurses Challenge Systemic Racism

In 1990, seven Black and one Filipina nurse filed complaints of systemic racism against Toronto’s Northwestern Hospital at the...

Filed under: justice, racialized & women of colour, work & labour

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A cover of the periodical "Wages for Housework Campagin Bulletin"

Founding of Toronto Wages for Housework

This interview focuses on the founding of Toronto Wages for Housework in 1975 and its organizing principles, networks, and...

Filed under: announcements & updates, work & labour

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Still from video of Sidney Pratt

Portuguese Workers & Cleaners’ Action 1975

This interview focuses on Cleaners’ Action, an advocacy group founded in 1975 to support Portuguese cleaners.

Filed under: announcements & updates, work & labour

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Unions as Sites of Feminist Activism

Justice and Dignity for All is a documentary by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers about the workers, mostly...

Filed under: rural & northern, work & labour

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Rich Imaginings & Freedom Dreams in the Archive: Our Lives and the Black Women’s Collective

The Black Women’s Collective’s statement on state violence resonates in our current historical moment.as present-day abolitionists continue to struggle,...

Filed under: racialized & women of colour, violence, work & labour

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