Still from video of June Veecock at IWD in Toronto

Black Nurses Challenge Systemic Racism

In 1990, seven Black and one Filipina nurse filed complaints of systemic racism against Toronto’s Northwestern Hospital at the...

Filed under: justice, racialized & women of colour, work & labour

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A still from the interview "Justice in P4W" showing Joey Twins

Justice in P4W

In this new interview about Justice for Women in prisons, Joey Twins and Kim Pate speak about the 1994...

Filed under: announcements & updates, justice

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Norma Scarborough and Henry Morgentaler hold a copy of The Toronto Star with front-page headlines announcing the historic Supreme Court decision taken on January 28, 1988, stating that Canada's abortion law is not legal.

“Abortion law not legal….”

In 1974, Norma Scarborough and Dr. Henry Morgentaler were among the founding members of CARAL

Filed under: health & reproductive rights, justice

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History Repeats: Undermining Child Care in Ontario

In June 1974, Margaret Birch—Ontario’s then-Provincial Secretary for Social Development—delivered a proposal to the legislature to slash the costs...

Filed under: childcare and family, justice, politics & government

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In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.

Fighting Racism and Police Violence: Then and Now

Rage and grief. Agony and anger. COVID-19 has exposed deep racial and class inequalities embedded in Canada, and now,...

Filed under: justice, racialized & women of colour, social & economic justice

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