Still from the video interview of Judy Rebick

Charlottetown and the Power of Women

Judy Rebick talks about the NAC campaign during the 1992 referendum on the Charlottetown Accord.

Filed under: announcements & updates, politics & government

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A still from the video "Federal Leaders’ Debate on Women’s Issues ", an interview with Chaviva Hosek

Federal Leaders’ Debate on Women’s Issues

Chaviva Hošek talks about the 1984 federal election debate on women's issues.

Filed under: announcements & updates, politics & government

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still with Nancy Ruth, Sue Colley, Marilou McPhedran, and Linda Palmer-Nye

Women’s Equality & the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Canadian women began mobilizing in anticipation of constitutional reform in 1980.  After a series of mass actions, conferences and...

Filed under: announcements & updates, politics & government

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History Repeats: Undermining Child Care in Ontario

In June 1974, Margaret Birch—Ontario’s then-Provincial Secretary for Social Development—delivered a proposal to the legislature to slash the costs...

Filed under: childcare and family, justice, politics & government

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50th Anniversary Royal Commission on the Status of Women

The Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada was established in February 1967.

Filed under: politics & government

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Illustration of a dress from Branching Out magazine

The (Re)Dress Code

The passage of Bill 21 in the Assemblée nationale du Québec in June 2019 has meant a range of...
Illustration of crowd of women with protest signs

Feminist Organizing in Federal Elections

by Alana Cattapan The newsletters, communiqués, and other documents in the Rise Up archive include materials reflecting how feminists...

Filed under: politics & government

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