Wages For Housework button

Researching Alternative Visions #3: The Politics of Caring – Wages for Housework Activism in Canada

In exploring Indigenous, racialized, immigrant/ethnic, and low-income women’s activism in Canada from the 1960s to the 1980s, we have...

Researching Alternative Visions #2: Indigenous, Racialized, Immigrant/Ethnic, and Low-Income Women’s Groups and the Royal Commission on the Status of Women

The creation of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women (RCSW) in 1967 was a watershed moment in Canadian women’s...

Researching Alternative Visions #1: A project on Indigenous, racialized, immigrant, and low-income women’s activism in Canada, 1960s-1980s

by Margaret Little, Lynne Marks, and Sarah Nickel As feminist activists and scholars, we understand the importance of the National...
Undated button of the Food and Service Workers of Canada (FASWOC). FASWOC represented the cleaners, almost all Portuguese immigrant women, who went on strike at the First Canadian Place in Toronto in 1984. After six weeks, the strike ended in victory.

Honouring Portuguese Immigrant Cleaners’ Activism on Labour Day

Rise Up is pleased to encourage and facilitate the growing interest among current researchers, educators, and activists in the rich...

Filed under: immigration, racialized & women of colour, work & labour

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Organizing Domestic Workers: Intercede

Intercede was an advocacy group of foreign domestic workers and their feminist allies that raised awareness about the exploitation...

Filed under: announcements & updates, immigration, work & labour

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Immigrant Women Create the Working Women Community Centre

In 1975, in response to the recognition that a lot of immigrant women were marginalized either because they were...

Filed under: announcements & updates, immigration, work & labour

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A photo of the INTERCEDE contingent and banner at 1990 International Women's Day March in Toronto.

Oral History, Immigrant Women’s Organizing and the Women’s Movement

Oral history allows people to narrate their own experiences of the past in ways that are invaluable in capturing...

Filed under: immigration

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