Going Upstream: The Making of Ottawa’s Feminist Newspaper

1975—International Women’s Year, as designated by the United Nations—had just come to an end when a notice appeared at...

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Quilting as Feminist Theory and Practice

Most of the women in my family are fibre artists, although not all of them would identify as such....

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The Archive is a Promise to the Future

It’s 1985. It’s International Women’s Day and you’re the only video crew there besides news media, if they are there at all....

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Reflecting on the Toronto Women’s Bookstore

The Toronto Women’s Bookstore (TWB) was always political. It began in 1973 as some shelves at the Woman’s Place. After...

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Women Unite: First Anthology of Canadian Women’s Movement

In 1972, the Women's Press published its first book, Women Unite: Up from the Kitchen, Up from the Bedroom, Up from...

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Still from Video of Monique Mojica

Monique Mojica: reclaiming Indigenous history and culture through theatre

In this interview Monique Mojica (Guna and Rappahannock nations), tells her stories of being an Indigenous playwright, performer and...

Filed under: announcements & updates, arts, media & culture, indigenous

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The button shows the phoenix of the bookstore rising from the ashes after the 1983 firebombing of the Morgentaler abortion clinic. The Toronto Women's Bookstore was in the same building and was severely damaged by the attack.

Toronto Women’s Bookstore: Becoming Intersectional and Anti-racist

In this interview with Anjula Gogia, she tells the story of her involvement with the Toronto Women’s Bookstore (TWB)

Filed under: announcements & updates, arts, media & culture, social & economic justice

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Some Black Women

Claire Prieto’s film "Some Black Women" (1977) looks at the lives and roles of Black women in Canada during...

Filed under: arts, media & culture, racialized & women of colour

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Sisters in the Struggle

The NFB documentary Sisters in the Struggle (1991- Dionne Brand, Ginny Stikeman) features a frank conversation among Black women...

Filed under: arts, media & culture, racialized & women of colour

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Making Movie History: Sylvia Hamilton

Sylvia Hamilton first became involved with the National Film Board in the mid-1980s. In Making Movie History, she reflects...

Filed under: arts, media & culture, racialized & women of colour

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The Burning Times Revisited

Rise Up! A Digital Archive of Feminist Activism provides links to many feminist films and filmmakers that emerged from...

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An image from The Housewife. A drawing of a woman in blue on a grey background. The woman is hanging laundry on a laundry line with a basket beside her.

New to the Rise Up! Archive

We’ve just posted a new article on the website that addresses the critical history of Studio D, Canada’s groundbreaking feminist film-production...

Filed under: announcements & updates, arts, media & culture

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The Impact of Studio D – how it changed the place of women in film in Canada

The creation of  Studio D has been attributed to ongoing lobbying for a women’s studio at the National Film...

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