Categories: announcements & updates, arts, media & culture, social & economic justice Toronto Women’s Bookstore: Becoming Intersectional and Anti-racist August 16, 2021 | Rise Up Collective In this interview, Anjula Gogia tells the story of her involvement with the Toronto Women’s Bookstore (TWB) — from the mid-1990s to 2006. Anju brought a love of books and an appreciation of how to run a business that she learned from her mother. She speaks of how the TWB became an intersectional, queer positive, anti-racist, feminist bookstore and a hub for writers, readers, and activists “I didn’t care if they bought a book. If they wanted to come and they couldn’t afford a book but wanted to sit on our bench and read for two hours … [b]ecause this is where you’ll see yourself reflected.” Author Rise Up Collective View all posts