Founding of Toronto Wages for Housework

NEW INTERVIEW — Wages for “Women’s Work” – Founding of Toronto Wages for HouseworK 1975 with Judith Ramirez interviewed by Franca Iacovetta

This interview focuses on the founding of Toronto Wages for Housework in 1975 and its organizing principles, networks, and campaigns. Three years earlier, feminists in England, Italy, the United States, and France had founded the International Wages for Housework Campaign. It was a grassroots women’s network that lobbied for the recognition of and payment for all caring work, inside the home and outside it. Toronto WFH became one of the largest and most active WFH groups in Canada. 

“The main contribution and what we were interested in was an analysis that would help us locate women and the distinct lack of power that we saw in our own lives, in our mothers’ lives, and to understand it better.”

Judith Ramirez
