More about Solidarity & Coalition-Building

Key themes include:

  • International Women’s Day organizing, with a focus on themes of international solidarity and connections between local and global women’s movements
  • Actions and events organized in solidarity with women in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East
  • Solidarity and coalition building with Indigenous, immigrant, refugee, and Black women/women of colour, women with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ communities
  • Solidarity and coalition building with social justice causes intersecting with gender-based  discrimination and injustice, such as poverty, environment and  militarism.
  • Support for labour campaigns and strikes involving women workers

Archival Materials


Oh Come All Ye Shoppers
  • Year created:

  • Musical Artist/Group:

    The Red Berets
  • Region:

  • Language:



This is a solidarity button for the women on a six-month strike against Eaton's in 1984-1985, fighting for decent wages and working conditions. The strike received a lot of support from the labour movement, the feminist movement, and the arts and faith communities.
Boycott Eaton’s
  • Year created:

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Fleck: It’s Everyone’s Fight!
  • Year created:

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"Oka to the Gulf. Make the links" is the theme of this button for the 1991 International Women's Day March and Rally in Toronto. It refers to the Gulf War of 1990-91 and to the struggle for Indigenous rights in Oka, Quebec in 1990. It highlights the role of the military and connects militarism, colonialism and imperialism here at home and internationally.
International Women’s Day 1991 (Toronto) – From Oka to the Gulf!
  • Year created:

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The Toronto International Women’s Day March in 1992 was organized around the theme “Healing, Reclaiming” and focused on the struggles of Indigenous women, their families and communities.
International Women’s Day 1992 (Toronto) – Healing, Reclaiming
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On August 26, 1979 Albert Johnson, a 35-year-old Jamaican Canadian, was shot dead in his home. He was known to have mental health struggles. Immediately, the Black community organized. The Black Action Defense Committee (BADC) along with over 30 community organizations mobilized 2,000 people to march from Oakwood/Vaughn to 13th division headquarters to protest Johnson's murder. Again on October 14, 1979, 1000 people protested at Toronto City Hall. The Albert Johnson Committee Against Police Brutality had three demands: 1. They demanded that the two police officers be charged with murder instead of manslaughter. 2. They requested that Toronto police provide full compensation to Johnson's wife and four children. 3. They demanded the Province of Ontario and Attorney-General Roy McMurty establish an independent civilian review board for complaints against the police. November, 1980, both police officers, Cargnelli and Inglis, were acquitted of manslaughter charges. BADC continued to protest and finally in 1988, Toronto police made a secret settlement in court after the Johnson family filed a civil lawsuit against them. The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) was created in 1990 as a way to increase police accountability in the investigation of civilian murders. Despite the historic and ongoing limitations of the SIU, the reform was a victory for the Black community because it was an acknowledgement that anti-Black racism and police brutality are systemic problems that require institutional reform. In a related protest, on February 20, 1981, Lemona Johnson, Albert's widow, spoke outside 52 division headquarter at a massive protest against the vicious police attack on the city's gay bath houses just two weeks earlier. She, and others, drew the parallels between police violence against the Black community and the gay community.
Justice for Albert Johnson
  • Year created:

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Michael Wade Lawson, a 17 year old Black man was shot and killed by Peel police in 1988. The two cops charged were later acquitted, which caused growing community protest over the pattern of racist police brutality and the failure to condemn and clean up racism within the police forces. In Toronto, the Black Women's Collective and the Congress of Black Women of Canada were actively involved in campaigning against racist and anti-black violence. Other feminist and social justice groups also supported this work.
Justice for Michael Wade Lawson
  • Year created:

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The White Ribbon campaign was founded in 1991. Since then men have worn white ribbons in the days leading up to December 6th, the anniversary of the Montreal Massacre as a pledge to work against violence against women.
Men Against Violence Against Women
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    National (all of Canada)
  • Language:

Men of quality respect Women's Equality: Button
Men of Quality Respect Women’s Equality
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    National (all of Canada)
  • Language:

This button highlights solidarity with Indigenous people to protect a sacred burial ground of the Mohawk people of Kanehsatake in Oka, Quebec. The town proposed the expansion of a golf course and the people of Kanehsatake rose up in defense of their ancestral lands, facing off against government officials, the police, and the Canadian Army for 78 days.
Oka is All of Us
  • Year created:

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Indigenous people at Kanehsatake fought back in 1990 after a sacred burial ground was proposed for a golf course in the town of Oka, Quebec. This button recognizes the prominent role that Indigenous women played in that struggle as well as the need to de-colonize Canada.
  • Year created:

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Please don’t shop at Eaton’s
  • Year created:

  • Visual Artist:

    Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
  • Language:

"Sisters in Struggle - Building a Global Movement" was a Black History Month event organized by the Black Women's Collective and sponsored by a wide range of organizations. The featured keynote speaker for the February 1988 forum was Angela Davis. Panellists included Winnie Ng, Marlene Green, Carmencita Hernandez, and Susan Numzana.
Sisters in Struggle: Building a Global Movement – February 26, 1988
  • Year created:

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This button was created by the Canadian Labour Congress/Congrès du Travail du Canada (CLC-CTC) to show labour solidarity with LGBTQ+ activism and union members.
Solidarité Pride Fierté – Canadian Labour Congress/ Congrès du Travail du Canada
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    National (all of Canada)
  • Language:

    English and French
In the 1970s, despite a long standing dispute with the Lubicon Cree over land rights, the Alberta government leased areas of their traditional lands for resource exploration and development. This has had severely destructive effects on the natural environment and the Lubicon people, their culture and way of life. Indigenous women have deeply impacted by and also part of the long struggle for survival.
Support the Last Stand of the Lubicon!
  • Year created:

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Background to the lock-out at Canadian Pizza Crust Ltd.
  • Year created:

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boycott cunninghams – Solidarity with the Hosken Strike
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    British Columbia
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British Columbia Federation of Women: Organizing for International Women’s Day 1978
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    British Columbia
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Coalition for Fair Wages and Working Conditions for Homeworkers – Backgrounder
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    National (all of Canada), Ontario
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Committee Against the Deportation of Immigrant Women – Position Paper – 1977
  • Year created:

  • Region:

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Concerned Aboriginal Women on Their Occupation
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    British Columbia
  • Language:

Concerned Aboriginal Women: Telex Messages and Letters in Support of the Occupation
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    British Columbia
  • Language:

Eatons on Legal Strike
  • Year created:

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Fleck Strike Women’s Solidarity Day Flyer
  • Year created:

  • Region:

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India Mahila Association – Information Flyer
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    British Columbia
  • Language:

Indian Women of Tobique appeal for support
  • Year created:

  • Author(s):

    Indian Women of Tobique
  • Region:

    New Brunswick
  • Language:

International Women’s Day Celebration
  • Year created:

  • Region:

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International Women’s Day Toronto (1979) – Pamphlet
  • Year created:

  • Region:

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International Women’s Day Toronto (1984) – Pamphlet
  • Year created:

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International Women’s Day: What’s it got to do with men?
  • Year created:

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Judy Vashti Persad, Women Working With Immigrant Women – Speech
  • Year created:

  • Author(s):

    Judy Vashti Persad
  • Region:

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Letter from Support Committee for Indian Women Workers: November 1982
  • Year created:

  • Author(s):

    Prabha Kholsa
  • Region:

  • Language:

Letters – Supporting OSOMM (1984-1996)
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    National (all of Canada)
  • Language:

    English and French
thumbnail of Organized Working Women Update – December 1987
Organized Working Women Update – December 1987
  • Year created:

  • Author(s):

  • Region:

  • Language:

Picket – On Strike Against Eatons
  • Year created:

  • Author(s):

  • Region:

  • Language:

Statement of The Concerned Aboriginal Women
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    British Columbia
  • Language:

Support Committee for Indian Women Workers Information: Meeting Flyer
  • Year created:

  • Region:

  • Language:

The Schvester: International Women’s Day (1989)
  • Year created:

  • Region:

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Women Fighting INCO Solidarity Benefit
  • Year created:

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Women Working With Immigrant Women: International Women’s Day Speech 1986
  • Year created:

  • Region:

  • Language:

Women’s Solidarity Day at Irwin Toys
  • Year created:

  • Region:

  • Language:



The Fleck Women
  • Year created:

  • Filmmaker(s):

    Timothy Bongard, Kem Murch, Judy McGowan
  • Language:

  • Region:



This photo was taken on the picket line outside Eaton's during the 1984-85 strike. The predominantly female local of Retail Wholesale Department Store Union (RWDSU) went on strike to win a first contract.
Eaton’s Strike
  • Year created:

  • Region:

In March 1978, the women workers at Fleck Manufacturing went on strike for a first contract. Led by women, the bitter struggle at this small auto-wiring plant in Centralia, Ontario helped forge a strong relationship between organized labour and the women’s movement. This photo shows the Fleck women leading the 1979 International Women’s Day Parade in Toronto. Photograph by Frank Rooney.
Fleck Strikers Lead 1979 International Women’s Day March
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Frank Rooney
  • Region:

A photo of the INTERCEDE contingent and banner at 1990 International Women's Day March in Toronto.
International Women’s Day 1990 (Toronto) – INTERCEDE
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

The Toronto Organization for Domestic Workers' Rights (INTERCEDE) banner at the 1990 Toronto International Women's Day March.
International Women’s Day 1990 (Toronto) – INTERCEDE Banner
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Feminist and union activist Deirdre Gallagher at Boycott Irwin Toy solidarity march in 1981. Women represented about two-thirds of the 114 United Steelworkers of America members at the Etobicoke factory where workers were on strike for a first contract.
Irwin Toy Solidarity Action (Toronto)
  • Year created:

  • Region:

Canadian Labour Congress Vice-President Shirley Carr and United Auto Workers leader Bob White join a solidarity demonstration in September 1985 in support of striking workers at CIBC VISA.
Labour Solidarity for VISA Strikers
  • Year created:

  • Region:

The union leadership of the Metro Library Strike organized fun days on the picket lines as a creative way to attract attention, win support and build pressure on the politicians responsible for running the library. Here members of CUPE Local 1582 watch the poets and singers on the arts and letters solidarity picket, acknowledging the work of the Music and Fine Arts departments. Front row left to right: M. Gordon, Susan Willis, Gerry Haley. Back row Bob Adams, Susan Reed
Metro Library Strike – Arts and Music Solidarity Picket Day
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Rob Laycock
  • Region:

Metro Toronto Library workers collected names from supportive members of the public while on the picket line in 1984. Staff from the bindery department organized and bound these petitions into The Big Book of Public Support to present to Metro Council.
Metro Library Strike – Big Book of Public Support
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Rob Laycock
This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – People at Camp Listening to Speakers
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Barb Taylor and Alice de Wolff Off to Collect Water
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Barb Taylor and Grace Channer
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Dionne Brand and others
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Faith Nolan
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Flags of Indigenous Nations Flying at Peace Camp
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Gathering of Women at Camp
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Négociez! Pas D’armée
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Peace Camp/Camp de La Paix Sign
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – People Listening to Speakers at the Camp
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Signs Posted at Camp
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Solidarité avec les Mohawks
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Stop Government Terrorism! Sign at Calvaire d’Oka
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Susan Heald at the Camp
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace CamThis photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.p set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka golf course proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area and to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end the golf course was not extended and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – Susan Heald speaking with Amy Gottlieb
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990) – View of Camp
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990)- Doreen Silversmith, Mohawk from Six Nations
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990This photo is one of a number taken at the Oka Peace Camp set up in July 1990 in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Club proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end, the golf course was not extended, and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved., in solidarity with the Mohawks of Kanehsatake who rose up in defense of their ancestral lands after the Oka Golf Course proposed an extension and the building of luxury condos over a Mohawk ancestral graveyard in the sacred wooded area known as “The Pines”. This land had never been ceded. In early July, after the Mohawks refused to end their non-violent occupation of the area or to take down the barricade, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec police) moved in, resulting in a violent confrontation. Later, the Canadian army was called in. Mohawk women, including Ellen Gabriel, played a central role in the uprising, which lasted for 78 intense days (July 11 – September 26, 1990). In the end the golf course was not extended and the condos were not built. But the larger issues of land sovereignty have never been resolved.
Oka Peace Camp (1990)- Indigenous Leader Speaking at the Oka Peace Camp
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Executive Member Joyce Rosenthal joins Women's Solidarity Action organized for Fleck women striking for first contract.
Organized Working Women – Executive Member Joyce Rosenthal on Fleck Picket Line
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Holly Kirkconnell
  • Region:

Organized Working Women was part of building the Women's Solidarity Pickets at Fleck in 1978. Buses of women from Toronto joined the women strikers who had signed with U.A.W. and were seeking a first contract.
Organized Working Women At 1978 Women’s Solidarity Action for Fleck Strikers
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Holly Kirkconnell
  • Region:

Organized Working Women played a significant role in organizing strong labour and feminist solidarity for the striking women at Fleck.
Organized Working Women on Fleck Picket Line
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Holly Kirkconnell
  • Region:

Deirdre Gallagher of Organized Working Women speaks to reporter at Fleck Solidarity Action.
Organized Working Women Solidarity Action for Fleck Strikers
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Margaret McPhail
  • Region:

Organized Working Women builds women's support picket for Fleck strikers.
Organized Working Women Support Fleck Women Strikers
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Holly Kirkconnell
  • Region:

In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Angela Robertson, member of the Black Women's Collective, speaks at a protest against police violence. In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Carol Allain (in pink coat), member of the Black Women's Collective, is surrounded by others at protest against police violence. In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Debbie Douglas, member of the Black Women's Collective, is seen at the protest against police violence. In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Dionne Brand, member of the Black Women's Collective, speaks at protest against police violence. In response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Leleti Tamu, member of the Black Women's Collective, is surrounded by others at the Sophia Cook protest. In response to the October 27, 1989 police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook, the Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence. This coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations brought people together on December 16, 1989, to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Makeda Silvera speaks at a protest in response to the October 27, 1989, police shooting of 23-year-old Black woman Sophia Cook. The Black Women’s Collective organized the Women’s Coalition Against Racism and Police Violence, a coalition of 35 women’s and progressive organizations which brought people together on December 16, 1989 to demand police accountability and an end to police brutality against Black people.
Protest against police shooting of Sophia Cook (December 16, 1989)
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

Women organized solidarity actions in support of the members of United Bank Workers on strike at CIBC VISA.
Solidarity Rally for CIBC VISA Strike
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

In 1986, members of the Union of Bank Employees went on strike at the CIBC VISA offices. This photo was taken at a solidarity rally.
Strikers at Rally for CIBC VISA Workers
  • Year created:

  • Photographer:

    Amy Gottlieb
  • Region:

This photo of young supporters was taken at an 1981 Women' Solidarity Day organized by the Ontario Federation of Labour Women's Committee in support of the strikers at Irwin Toy in Toronto.
Support Rally for Strikers at Irwin Toy (1981)
  • Year created:

  • Region:



A New Eaton’s Tradition: Dignity and Rights for Working Women
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    National (all of Canada)
  • Language:

Eaton’s Boycott – May Extravanganza
  • Year created:

  • Region:

  • Language:

This 18" x 24" poster was designed and illustrated by Joss Mclennan for the May 6th Extravaganza in support of the Eaton's Boycott and striking workers. It is reproduced here with permission.
Eaton’s Boycott and May 6th Extravaganza Poster
  • Year created:

  • Visual Artist:

    Joss Maclennan
  • Region:

  • Language:

Poster for the premiere of the 1985 videotape of "No Small Change - The Story of the Eaton's Strike" presented by Emma Productions. The videotape is by Ruth Bishop, Marusia Bociurkiw, and Harriet Hum. Poster photo credit: Francine Dick.
No Small Change – The Story of the Eaton’s Strike
  • Year created:

  • Visual Artist:

    Francine Dick, Pat Jeffries
  • Region:

  • Language:

This powerful poster was created by Barbara Klunder in solidarity with striking workers at Eaton's seeking a first contract. It is reproduced here with permission.
Solidarity Poster for Eaton’s Strike
  • Year created:

  • Visual Artist:

    Barbara Klunder
  • Region:

  • Language:

The Women’s Constitutional Conference
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    National (all of Canada)
  • Language:

After being largely shut out of constitutional discussions taking place between the government and Aboriginal organizations on the issue of Aboriginal right to self-governance, the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) opposed the Charlottetown Accord reached by the federal and provincial leaders in 1992. It argued that their exclusion from the discussions was a violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and that they would not accept Aboriginal self-government without the equal rights of Indigenous women being protected in any new Constitution. During the 1992 round of constitutional debate the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) also took a controversial stand against the Charlottetown Accords, arguing for the need to protect the equality rights for women won in the 1982 Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In August 1992, the NAC and NWAC held a joint conference and consultation to share their points of view and discuss what action to take.
The Women’s Constitutional Conference – August 24, 1992
  • Year created:

  • Region:

    National (all of Canada)
  • Language:

Unions Work for Women
  • Visual Artist:

    Canadian Labour Congress
  • Region:

    National (all of Canada)
  • Language:

Wives Supporting The Strike: Stretch your Nickel Cookbook
  • Year created:

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  • Language:

The solidarity benefit for striking INCO workers was sponsored by United Steelworkers Local 6500, Organizing Working Women, International Women's Day Committee, Ontario Federation of Labour, and the NDP Women's Committee. Speakers were Cathy Duhaime, an Inco striker; Joan Kuyek, Women Helping Women; and Linda Obansawin, Wives' Strike Support Committee.
Women Fighting INCO Solidarity Benefit
  • Year created:

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  • Language:
